Well the Indian Society if Electrocardiography held a workshop in
Guwahati where reputed Indian Dons of ECG had come to teach and conduct an exam there after on this subject. I was lucky enough to be part of a team selected from
Dibrugarh to attend this workshop. It meant free travel, free food & accommodation in a 'some' star hotel and an excellent workshop on ECG. Never thought that ECG could reveal so much.
We also had a great fun,
Debrajda was made the scapegoat management supervisor of the gang and named CAPTAIN. He was at the receiving end of all the jokes but digested it with "Honour and Glory" of a Scottish Blond. A new terminology for impending danger was discovered.
Torsade de Pointes ( a condition of extreme emergency characterized by QT prolongation and named after a French ornament that resembles the ECG finding of this condition ) pronounced as
'Toosaad de Pooaaaaaaa'. For us it became
Toaaaa de Pooaaaaaa. Our ECG exam was a total
toaaaa de pooaaaa and our return journey was delayed as we lost track of time while shopping. So the journey after dinner to catch the Bus was also a
toaaaa de pooaaaa. I with one of my friends saw the movie "Angels & Demons". It was great...... the Vatican had the
toaaaaa de pooaaaaaa of its lifetime, at least in the movie. I also met one of my senior, who ( a Registrar in my college,
transfered to
Guwahati few months ago ) had married recently. He gave me a word of advice after congratulating me when he came to know that i have
finally found a girlfriend. He said " marriage is a total loss of money and time..... but u need to get it over with". Seems like he had some serious
toaaaaa de pooaaaaa during his marriage.
All the fun ended with the weekend and am back to my room now(Monday morning). Have to go to ward again...... this is when it starts again for me and my friends in Medicine Department. What else ?
Toaaaaa de Pooaaaaaa.........
P.S. today evening when I went to the
ICCU to call the ECG technician to do an ECG of a patient in our ward I
serendipitously saw the first
Torsade de Pointes patient of my life. A young female of 30 yrs was being given DC
cardioversion repeatedly for
Toaaaa de Pooaaaaaa which she developed after getting Magnesium sulphate. I guess I will never fail to diagnose a Toaaaa de Pooaaaaa now........